Remove SharePoint List Views Using PowerShell

Ever have a need to delete list views using PowerShell?  Of course you do, it’s a great reason to use PowerShell!

Luckily for us, there is great access to the Object Model and we can readily access lists, items, and of course views.

I threw together a nifty little function that accepts three parameters, WebUrl, ListName and ViewName and will remove a single view from a SharePoint list.

The code is quite simple, basically we grab an SPWeb object using the WebUrl parameter – we then grab an SPList using the ListName parameter, and finally we grab an SPListView using the ViewName parameter.  Once we’ve drilled down to the specific SPListView, we can call the Delete() method using the ID of the view.

Here’s my function, enjoy!

function Remove-SPListView {
Start-SPAssignment -Global
$SPWeb = Get-SPWeb $WebUrl
$List = $SPWeb.Lists[$ListName]
$View = $List.Views[$ViewName]
Stop-SPAssignment -Global

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