Configure Web.Config Custom Errors using PowerShell

It seems like every time I go to disable custom errors for the purposes of troubleshooting, I have to turn to the interwebs to remember the exact settings I need to change and what I need to change them to. Of course it’s all done in the web.config file for the web application with which you are working – and it’s really just two settings that need tweaked…

Instead of doing this manually, I thought “What if I could create two PowerShell Functions to manipulate these values?”

Well, lucky for me I had already done this to enable and disable SP Blob Caching – so it was pretty easy to modify that code to change the customErrors and CallStack settings in the web.config.

Essentially the hardest part is making sure you grab the right configuration path from the web.config, once you’ve got that, it’s just a matter of creating a new object (Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebConfigModification) and then setting values of that object.

Once you’ve created your 2 $configMod objects, you call the $webapp.WebConfigModifications.Add method for each mod – and then call the Update() method to apply. Hit your page again and you should see an uglier, yet more informational error message.

Once you have dot-sourced the function, here is how you disable the SharePoint (custom) Errors:

Disable-SPCustomErrors -WebApplication http://webappurl

And here is how you re-enable the SharePoint (custom) Errors:

Enable-SPCustomErrors -WebApplication http://webappurl

And without further ado, here is the code containing two functions – Enable-SPCustomErrors and Disable-SPCustomErrors:

# Disable-SPCustomErrors Function
function Disable-SPCustomErrors { 
	[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=0)]

process { 
    $WebApp = $WebApplication.Read() 
    # SPWebConfigModification to enable/disable CustomErrors
    $configMod1 = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebConfigModification 
    $configMod1.Path = "configuration/system.web/customErrors" 
    $configMod1.Name = "mode" 
    $configMod1.Sequence = 0 
    $configMod1.Owner = "CustomErrorsMod" 
    ## SPWebConfigModificationType.EnsureChildNode -> 0 
    ## SPWebConfigModificationType.EnsureAttribute -> 1 
    ## SPWebConfigModificationType.EnsureSection -> 2 
    $configMod1.Type = 1 
    $configMod1.Value = "Off"
	# SPWebConfigModification to enable/disable CustomErrors 
    $configMod2 = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebConfigModification 
    $configMod2.Path = "configuration/SharePoint/SafeMode" 
    $configMod2.Name = "CallStack" 
    $configMod2.Sequence = 0 
    $configMod2.Owner = "CustomErrorsMod" 
    ## SPWebConfigModificationType.EnsureChildNode -> 0 
    ## SPWebConfigModificationType.EnsureAttribute -> 1 
    ## SPWebConfigModificationType.EnsureSection -> 2 
    $configMod2.Type = 1 
    $configMod2.Value = "true" 
    # Add mods, update, and apply 
    $WebApp.WebConfigModifications.Add( $configMod1 ) 
    $WebApp.WebConfigModifications.Add( $configMod2 )

# Enable-SPCustomErrors Function
function Enable-SPCustomErrors { 
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=0)] 

process { 
    $WebApp = $WebApplication.Read() 
    $mods = @() 
    foreach ( $mod in $WebApp.WebConfigModifications ) { 
        if ( $mod.Owner -eq "CustomErrorsMod" ) { 
            $mods += $mod 
    foreach ( $mod in $mods ) { 
        [void] $WebApp.WebConfigModifications.Remove( $mod ) 

Generic Error on Listedit.aspx page after SP1 and Aug 2011 CU

Wow did this issue get under my skin.

At my current client, where their SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Intranet is about as business critical as a SP environment can be – I performed the SP1 and Aug 2011 CU updates. The updates themselves went about as smooth as could be expected, until we noticed that lists and libraries would give the generic error w/ correlation ID when navigating to the List Settings page (/_layouts/listedit.aspx).

This seemed like not too big of a deal on the first site collection we noticed it on – then we realized it was farm-wide.

After doing a lot of log-reading, re-running PSCONFIG.exe to ensure that everything completed from an upgrade perspective; we were in the dark…

This morning I noticed something while browsing through the layouts folder – listedit.aspx (and some other files) was modified on 6/8/2011 at 11:46 AM. Most of the other aspx files were showing a modified date much further in the past.

On a whim I copied listedit.aspx from a known-good farm into my broken farm and VOILA – lists and libraries work again.

This might not help anybody, because I couldn’t find anyone else having this exact issue – but I didn’t want to lose track of the “fix.”