Remove SharePoint Groups using PowerShell

Disclaimer: This post and function is 100% taken from the book by Gary Lapointe and Shannon Bray entitled “Automating Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Administration with Windows PowerShell 2.0.”

This post goes hand in hand with my two recent posts entitled “Retrieve SharePoint Groups using PowerShell” and “Create SharePoint Groups using PowerShell.”  In those posts, we used PowerShell Functions to retrieve SP Groups and to create SP Groups.  The third piece of the puzzle is Remove-SPGroup.

Again, I have taken the code from Gary and Shannon’s book – however, this function adds comment-based help as well as a confirm prompt.  I thought it would be nice to add the ability to cancel out of the operation, plus it just looks fancy – and I like fancy.

Here’s the Remove-SPGroup function:

function Remove-SPGroup {
	Use Remove-SPGroup to delete a SharePoint Group.
	This function uses the Remove() method of a SharePoint RoleAssignments property in an SPWeb to create a SharePoint Group.
	C:\PS>Remove-SPGroup -Web http://intranet -Group "Test Group"
	This example removes a group called "Test Group" in the http://intranet site.
	C:\PS>$web = Get-SPWeb http://intranet
	C:\PS>$group = Get-SPGroup -Web $web -Group "Test Group"
	C:\PS>Remove-SPGroup $web $group
	This example also removes a group called "Test Group" from the http://intranet site, but this example uses $web and $group variables.
	Name: Remove-SPGroup
	Author: Ryan Dennis
	Last Edit: July 18th 2011
	Keywords: Remove-SPGroup
#Requires -Version 2.0
$SPWeb = $Web.Read()
# Prompting code
$title = "Delete SharePoint Group"
$message = "Do you want to delete the SharePoint Group?"
$yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes", "Deletes the SharePoint Group."
$no = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No", "Cancels and keeps the SharePoint Group."
$options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($yes, $no)
$result = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title,$message,$options,0)
switch ($result)
	0 {"Deleting $($Group) Group."}
	1 {"Operation cancelled..."}
# End Prompting code
if ($result -eq 0){
else {return}

Create SharePoint Groups using PowerShell

Disclaimer: This post and function is 100% taken from the book by Gary Lapointe and Shannon Bray entitled “Automating Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Administration with Windows PowerShell 2.0.”

This post goes hand in hand with my recent post called “Retrieve SharePoint Groups using PowerShell.”  In that post, we used a simple PowerShell Function to retrieve an SP Group and return the object in our command window.  In this function, we’re going to take the work a step further – we will use our function to create a new SharePoint Group.

Again, I have taken the code from Gary and Shannon’s book – the only addition I have made is comment-based help.  Since I intend to use these functions, I like to have help so I can go back and see examples and things like that.

The function provided in the book is very nice, it consists of 5 parameters and will has some built-in error handling – example: if the group already exists it will tell you so…

I have tested this a few times, and the function works great!

Without further ado, here’s the function:

function New-SPGroup {
	Use New-SPGroup to create a SharePoint Group.
	This function uses the Add() method of a SharePoint RoleAssignments property in an SPWeb to create a SharePoint Group.
	C:\PS>New-SPGroup -Web http://intranet -GroupName "Test Group" -OwnerName DOMAIN\User -MemberName DOMAIN\User2 -Description "My Group"
	This example creates a group called "Test Group" in the http://intranet site, with a description of "My Group".  The owner is DOMAIN\User and the first member of the group is DOMAIN\User2.
	Name: New-SPGroup
	Author: Ryan Dennis
	Last Edit: July 18th 2011
	Keywords: New-SPGroup
#Requires -Version 2.0
	$SPWeb = $Web.Read()
	if ($SPWeb.SiteGroups[$GroupName] -ne $null){
		throw "Group $GroupName already exists!"	
	if ($SPWeb.Site.WebApplication.UseClaimsAuthentication){
		$op = New-SPClaimsPrincipal $OwnerName -IdentityType WindowsSamAccountName
		$mp = New-SPClaimsPrincipal $MemberName -IdentityType WindowsSamAccountName
		$owner = $SPWeb | Get-SPUser $op
		$member = $SPWeb | Get-SPUser $mp
	else {
	$owner = $SPWeb | Get-SPUser $OwnerName
	$member = $SPWeb | Get-SPUser $MemberName
$SPWeb.SiteGroups.Add($GroupName, $owner, $member, $Description)
$SPGroup = $SPWeb.SiteGroups[$GroupName]
return $SPGroup

Retrieve SharePoint Groups using PowerShell

Disclaimer: This post and function is 100% taken from the book by Gary Lapointe and Shannon Bray entitled “Automating Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Administration with Windows PowerShell 2.0.”

As I frequently do when I’m looking for a topic to blog about, I reach for my favorite tool – PowerShell. Over the weekend I was reading some of the aforementioned book and I came across a set of tasks which do not have corresponding cmdlets out-of-the-box.

There are a set of functions described in Chapter 8 – Managing Site Collections and Sites which can be created and used to manage SharePoint Groups. There are 3 functions: Get-SPGroup, New-SPGroup and Remove-SPGroup. This post will only focus on the first and easiest, Get-SPGroup.

The Get-SPGroup function is pretty simple, and other than my obligatory comment-based help (which accounts for 23 of the 33 lines 🙂 ) – this function is very short.

Essentially all it’s doing is obtaining the SiteGroups collection property from an SPWeb object and returning the information on the property.

Here’s the function:

function Get-SPGroup {
	Use Get-SPGroup to retrieve a SharePoint Group.
	This function uses the SiteGroups collection property of an SPWeb object to return a specific group and its properties.
	C:\PS>Get-SPGroup -Web http://intranet -Group "Members"
	This example retrieves the properties of the "Members" group in the http://intranet site.
	Name: Get-SPGroup
	Author: Ryan Dennis
	Last Edit: July 18th 2011
	Keywords: Get-SPGroup
#Requires -Version 2.0
$SPWeb = $Web.Read()
$SPGroup = $SPWeb.SiteGroups[$Group]
return $SPGroup

I’ll soon be posting the other two functions…