The future of InfoPath & SharePoint

Over the past several years I’ve grown very comfortable with InfoPath and SharePoint. In the 2007 days it was a great tool to provide advanced forms capabilities to the end user, with very little development knowledge or experience needed. Things like data connections to query and expose external data, conditional field formatting, user interface adjustments and conditional views were all configurable by anyone who was comfortable with Microsoft Office. I grew very accustomed to helping customers provide an elegant and intuitive interface for data entry. It was also common to tie the forms to a back-end workflow, which could take a business process from paper and sneakers to 1’s and 0’s, fully automated. It was beautiful. And it worked.

SharePoint 2010 took InfoPath even further, allowing us to quickly and *very* easily edit the default forms for a SharePoint list using InfoPath. Now we could do things like provide branding, conditional formatting and data connections in a standard list item form. Sure, it wasn’t the easiest thing to extend beyond the OOTB capabilities of InfoPath, and don’t get me started on the complete omission of Managed Metadata support; but it was a great starting point for custom forms. THAT was the pinnacle for InfoPath. That’s the best it would ever be and for some reason, that’s the last time the InfoPath team would get to develop any *new* features for InfoPath and SharePoint.

When SharePoint 2013 and Office 2013 were released, there were a lot of head scratchers – wondering “what’s next with InfoPath?” I was one of them, and I was increasingly concerned that the end of life was coming. Well, it’s here. InfoPath is officially going bye bye. Now we’re left wondering what’s next, and I suppose if you’re lucky enough to attend #SPConf14 you may just find out. Until that’s released however, we’re all left wondering.

I’m open to change, and I’m definitely hoping Microsoft knocks this decision out of the park. However, I am extremely doubtful there will be anything that comes to close to the ease of which InfoPath could be used to extend SharePoint’s data entry forms. Sure, there are those who are great at writing custom code and building HTML/JS forms – I’m not one of them. Most people who USED InfoPath aren’t either. InfoPath shined in its ability to give the power user some freedom and power – I just don’t see anything new on the horizon that will be as easy to use. Maybe I’m wrong, I hope I’m wrong – but until I see it I won’t believe it.

The ultimate question I have at this point is: does Microsoft even make an attempt at a replacement? Or do they leave the power-user-forms-building to 3rd party ISVs such as Nintex, Dell, etc.? That remains to be seen, but I for one am excited to hear what’s next for InfoPath & SharePoint. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

SharePoint Saturday Columbus 2013

Today I spoke in front of a hometown crowd at SPS Columbus, which was a great event filled with an absolutely incredible lineup of speakers!

The presentation was about InfoPath – which was interesting considering how little it’s changed in 2013. The high-level gist of the presentation is to talk about how InfoPath can streamline forms development and data entry in SharePoint 2013, although all of it is relevant with SharePoint 2010 as well. I have used this presentation before, although I adapted it quite a bit to add relevance both to SharePoint 2013 on-prem and Office 365.

Below is a description of the topic itself along with PowerPoint Slides:

Funnel your Info down a new Path

​InfoPath provides business users with a familiar, feature rich means of creating dynamic, powerful electronic forms. While it has been around since the 2003 release of Microsoft Office, InfoPath 2013 combined with SharePoint 2013, is a match made in heaven. InfoPath is heavily integrated into SharePoint 2013, and users can now create engaging forms within minutes and without writing a single line of code.

This presentation will show you how you can start leveraging InfoPath to funnel your business information down a new path. Demos, gotchas, tips & tricks will all be a part of this 10,000 foot view of Microsoft InfoPath as it relates to SharePoint 2013.

Here are my slides:

And finally, if you want more information on the workflow I used to create the SPWebs upon gaining approval – here is my separate blog post on that topic.

Create a SharePoint Site (SPWeb) using REST in SPD 2013 Workflow

I have been struggling with an issue for several days, and it’s one I’ve been trying to solve for an upcoming SharePoint Saturday presentation. That issue is creating SharePoint sub sites/SPWebs automatically via the “Call HTTP Web Service” action in SharePoint Designer 2013 workflow. There were several sources of information that ultimately provided the solution, so I will be sure to credit those folks in this article.

There are several steps which are required to make this happen, and the coolest part is; this will work both on-premise and in Office 365/SharePoint Online!
Continue reading “Create a SharePoint Site (SPWeb) using REST in SPD 2013 Workflow”

DAYSPUG Presentation October 9th 2012

Last night I spoke to a great crowd of SharePoint folks at the Dayton SharePoint Users Group (DAYSPUG) in Dayton, Ohio. I knew most of the folks in attendance from other local SharePoint and PowerShell events, so it was nice to see everyone again.

This time instead of talking about PowerShell, which by the way I love to do – I decided to present on Microsoft InfoPath. I have a presentation I have used a few times now that in my opinion is a great intermediate view of what you can do with InfoPath and SharePoint 2010.

The topic is called “Funnel your Info down a new Path“, and it focuses on different types of forms available to you in SharePoint 2010. It was a pleasure to go west to Dayton and present to other Microsoft enthusiasts!

Here are my slides from Slideshare.

Thanks again to Tony Maddin and the rest of the DAYSPUG members for welcoming me to speak. See you all next time!

SharePoint Saturday Louisville 2012

Over the weekend I spoke in front of a great crowd at the first annual SharePoint Saturday Louisville!

While I left Columbus with the intention of only doing my topic about building WCM sites using PowerShell, due to a cancellation I ended up doing two, back-to-back presentations. I’ll detail them below, and since this will be a long post, here are links to the different areas within the page:

  1. Build your SharePoint Internet presence with PowerShell
  2. Funnel your Info down a new Path

Build your SharePoint Internet presence with PowerShell

The topic: Build your SharePoint Internet presence with PowerShell
The story: Everybody knows PowerShell is powerful, it’s in the name! But did you know that PowerShell can read and understand XML? By leveraging XML among other things, complete builds can be automated – making them efficient and predictable.

In this fun, interactive and demo-filled session – I will show you how you can leverage PowerShell to help you build your branded, company website from the ground up using PowerShell and XML. I will also pass along some tips and tricks that will help you become a PowerShell Rockstar!

This was the first SharePoint Saturday in Louisville, and I was very proud to be a part of a great event.

My session went pretty flawlessly, as I lucked out and had zero issues with the presentation or the demos. For those of you who attended, thank you for being a part of it – and if you have any feedback or questions feel free to contact me either on Twitter or via e-mail (Ryan at SharePointRyan dot com).

I promised to upload my slides and demo PowerShell code, so the slides are on Slideshare (and displayed at the bottom of the post) and the XML and PowerShell code is below:

Demo Script – Setup-SPWebAppAndSite.ps1

XML Syntax:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<Name>Vandelay Industries</Name>
		<AppPool>SharePoint - VandelayDemo</AppPool>
	<!-- root site -->
	<Site Create="false">
		   <PageLayout>Body Only</PageLayout>
		   <PageTitle>Terms of Use</PageTitle>
		   <PageLayout>Body Only</PageLayout>
		   <PageTitle>Privacy Policy</PageTitle>
		   <PageLayout>Body Only</PageLayout>
		   <PageTitle>Linking Policy</PageTitle>
		   <PageLayout>Body Only</PageLayout>
		   <PageTitle>Legal Disclaimer</PageTitle>
		   <PageLayout>Body Only</PageLayout>
		   <PageTitle>404 - Page Not Found</PageTitle>
		   <PageLayout>Body Only</PageLayout>
	<!-- 2nd level sites -->
		   <PageTitle>Awesome Widget</PageTitle>
		   <PageLayout>Body Only</PageLayout>
		   <PageTitle>The Spectacular Thingamajig</PageTitle>
		   <PageLayout>Body Only</PageLayout>
		   <PageLayout>Body Only</PageLayout>
		   <PageTitle>Customer Engagement</PageTitle>
		   <PageLayout>Body Only</PageLayout>
		   <PageTitle>Custom Solutions</PageTitle>
		   <PageLayout>Body Only</PageLayout>
		<SiteTitle>Shipping and Returns</SiteTitle>
		   <PageTitle>Shipping Policies</PageTitle>
		   <PageLayout>Body Only</PageLayout>
		   <PageTitle>Return Policies</PageTitle>
		   <PageLayout>Body Only</PageLayout>
		<SiteTitle>About Us</SiteTitle>
		   <PageLayout>Body Only</PageLayout>
		   <PageLayout>Body Only</PageLayout>
		   <PageLayout>Blank Web Part page</PageLayout>
		   <PageTitle>Employment Opportunities</PageTitle>
		   <PageLayout>Body Only</PageLayout>
		<SiteTitle>Contact Us</SiteTitle>
		   <PageTitle>Social Media</PageTitle>
		   <PageLayout>Body Only</PageLayout>
		   <PageLayout>Body Only</PageLayout>
		   <PageTitle>Service Requests</PageTitle>
		   <PageLayout>Body Only</PageLayout>
		   <PageTitle>Request a Catalog</PageTitle>
		   <PageLayout>Body Only</PageLayout>
		<SiteTitle>What We Do</SiteTitle>
		   <PageLayout>Body Only</PageLayout>
		   <PageLayout>Body Only</PageLayout>
		<SiteTitle>Our Company</SiteTitle>
		   <PageLayout>Body Only</PageLayout>
		   <PageLayout>Body Only</PageLayout>
		<SiteTitle>Our Customers</SiteTitle>

PowerShell code:

	This PowerShell Script will create a new Web Application and root Site 
	This advanced script uses New-SPWebApplication, New-SPSite and 
	Enable-SPFeature to configure a web application and site collection using
	the Publishing Portal Site Template. Once the SPSite is created, 
	Standard and Enterprise Site and Web Features are activated.
	C:\PS>.\Setup-SPWebAppAndSite.ps1 -XmlInput .\SiteGenerationXml.xml
	This example runs with the default parameter values to configure a Web App
	and Site Collection based on the contents of an XML file called 
	SiteGenerationXml.xml in the current file directory.
	Name: Setup-SPWebAppAndSite.ps1
	Author: Ryan Dennis
	Last Edit: 6/27/2012
	Keywords: New-SPWebApplication, New-SPSite
#Requires -Version 2.0
# Store start time in variable for calculation later #
$StartTime = Get-Date

# Clear Host for a clean, empty shell #

# Read in list of sites from XML file and create variables for use later #
[xml]$SitesXml = Get-Content $($XmlInput)
if ($SitesXml -eq $null) { return }
$Name = $SitesXml.Sites.WebAppConfig.Name
$ApplicationPool = $SitesXml.Sites.WebAppConfig.AppPool
$ApplicationPoolAccount = $SitesXml.Sites.WebAppConfig.AppPoolAccount
$DatabaseServer = $SitesXml.Sites.WebAppConfig.DBServer
$DatabaseName = $SitesXml.Sites.WebAppConfig.DBName
$InetpubPath = $SitesXml.Sites.WebAppConfig.InetpubPath
$HostHeader = $SitesXml.Sites.WebAppConfig.HostHeader
$Port = $SitesXml.Sites.WebAppConfig.Port
$Protocol = $SitesXml.Sites.WebAppConfig.Protocol
$Url = $Protocol+$HostHeader+":"+$Port
$OwnerAlias = $SitesXml.Sites.WebAppConfig.OwnerAlias
$OwnerEmail = $SitesXml.Sites.WebAppConfig.OwnerEmail
$SecondaryOwnerAlias = $SitesXml.Sites.WebAppConfig.SecondaryOwnerAlias
$SecondaryOwnerEmail = $SitesXml.Sites.WebAppConfig.SecondaryOwnerEmail
$WebTemplate = $SitesXml.Sites.WebAppConfig.RootSite.WebTemplate

# Start SP Assignment for object disposal later #
Start-SPAssignment -Global

# Change Shell Title #
$title = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Provisioning Employee Portal Web Application..."

# If SharePoint Snapin isn't loaded - load it #
if ((Get-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell)-eq $null)
	Write-Host "Adding SharePoint Snapin"
	Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
$ErrorPref = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$WarningPref = $WarningPreference
$WarningPreference = "SilentlyContinue"

# Tell us the Web App is getting created #
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host " Step 1 of 10: Creating Web Application at Url $($Url)..."
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------"

# Create the Web App #
New-SPWebApplication -Name $Name -ApplicationPool $ApplicationPool `
-ApplicationPoolAccount $ApplicationPoolAccount -DatabaseName $DatabaseName `
-DatabaseServer $DatabaseServer -HostHeader $HostHeader -Port $Port `
-Path $WebsitePath -Url $HostHeader | Out-Null

# Add the BUILTIN\Administrators group to Full Control Policy #
$userOrGroup = "BUILTIN\Administrators" 
$displayName = "Administrators" 

$WebApp = Get-SPWebApplication $Name 
$policy = $webApp.Policies.Add($userOrGroup, $displayName) 
$policyRole = $webApp.PolicyRoles.GetSpecialRole([Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPPolicyRoleType]::FullControl) 

# Change Shell Title #
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Provisioning Root Site Collection..."

# Tell us the Site Collection is getting created #
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host " Step 2 of 10: Creating Root Site Collection..."
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------"

# Create the Root Site #
$SPSite = New-SPSite -Name $Name -OwnerAlias $OwnerAlias -OwnerEmail $OwnerEmail `
-SecondaryOwnerAlias $SecondaryOwnerAlias -SecondaryEmail $SecondaryOwnerEmail `
-Template $WebTemplate -Url $Url | Out-Null

# Tell us the Site Collection is getting created #
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host " Step 3 of 10: Configuring Cache Settings..."
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host "Configuring BLOB Caching..."
# Enable SP Blob Cache #
$WebApp = Get-SPWebApplication $Url 
# SPWebConfigModification to enable BlobCache 
$configMod1 = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebConfigModification 
$configMod1.Path = "configuration/SharePoint/BlobCache" 
$configMod1.Name = "enabled" 
$configMod1.Sequence = 0 
$configMod1.Owner = "BlobCacheMod" 
## SPWebConfigModificationType.EnsureChildNode -> 0 
## SPWebConfigModificationType.EnsureAttribute -> 1 
## SPWebConfigModificationType.EnsureSection -> 2 
$configMod1.Type = 1 
$configMod1.Value = "true"

# SPWebConfigModification to enable client-side Blob caching (max-age) 
$configMod2 = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebConfigModification 
$configMod2.Path = "configuration/SharePoint/BlobCache" 
$configMod2.Name = "max-age" 
$configMod2.Sequence = 0 
$configMod2.Owner = "BlobCacheMod" 
## SPWebConfigModificationType.EnsureChildNode -> 0 
## SPWebConfigModificationType.EnsureAttribute -> 1 
## SPWebConfigModificationType.EnsureSection -> 2 
$configMod2.Type = 1 
$configMod2.Value = "86400" 


# SPWebConfigModification to change the default location for the Blob Cache files
$configMod3 = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebConfigModification
$configMod3.Path = "configuration/SharePoint/BlobCache"
$configMod3.Name = "location"
$configMod3.Sequence = "0"
$configMod3.Owner = "BlobCacheMod"
## SPWebConfigModificationType.EnsureChildNode -> 0 
## SPWebConfigModificationType.EnsureAttribute -> 1 
## SPWebConfigModificationType.EnsureSection -> 2 
$configMod3.Type = 1
$configMod3.Value = $BlobCacheLocation
# Add mods, update, and apply 
$WebApp.WebConfigModifications.Add( $configMod1 ) 
$WebApp.WebConfigModifications.Add( $configMod2 )
$WebApp.WebConfigModifications.Add( $configMod3 )

# Sleep for 5 seconds # 
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5

# Enable Output Cache for Root Site Collection # 
Write-Host "Configuring Output Caching..."
$SPSite = Get-SPSite $Url
$cache = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.SiteCacheSettingsWriter $SPSite
$cache.EnableCache = $true
$cache.AllowPublishingWebPageOverrides = $true
$cache.EnableDebuggingOutput = $true
$cache.SetAnonymousPageCacheProfileId($SPSite, 1)
$cache.SetAuthenticatedPageCacheProfileId($SPSite, 4)

# Change Shell Title #
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Activating Features..."

# Activate Standard and Enterprise Features #
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host " Step 4 of 10: Activating Features..."
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------"
# Standard #
Write-Host "Enabling Standard Site and Web Features..."
Enable-SPFeature BaseSite -Url $Url
Enable-SPFeature BaseWeb -Url $Url
# Enterprise #
Write-Host "Enabling Enterprise Site and Web Features..."
Enable-SPFeature PremiumSite -Url $Url
Enable-SPFeature PremiumWeb -Url $Url
# Team Collaboration Lists #
Enable-SPFeature TeamCollab -Url $Url
# Mavention Meta Fields #
Write-Host "Enabling Mavention Meta Fields Feature..."
Install-SPSolution Mavention.SharePoint.MetaFields.wsp -WebApplication $Url -GACDeployment
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
Enable-SPFeature -Identity a6ad433b-0bdf-40aa-aec8-6a091d7a3c26 -Url $Url

# Change Shell Title #
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Configuring Search Center and Settings..."

# Remove OOTB Search Center Lite Web #
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host " Step 5 of 10: Removing Search Center Subsite..."
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------"
Remove-SPWeb -Identity $Url"/search" -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

# Create Enterprise Search Center Site Collection #
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host " Step 6 of 10: Creating Enterprise Search Center Site Collection..."
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------"
$searchUrl = $Url+"/search"
New-SPManagedPath -Explicit -RelativeURL search -WebApplication $Url | Out-Null
New-SPSite -Name "Search Center" -OwnerAlias $OwnerAlias `
-OwnerEmail $OwnerEmail -SecondaryOwnerAlias $SecondaryOwnerAlias `
-SecondaryEmail $SecondaryOwnerEmail -Template "SRCHCEN#0" `
-Url $searchUrl | Out-Null
# Apply MaxSiteCount to content DB #
Set-SPContentDatabase -Identity $DatabaseName -MaxSiteCount 2 `
-WarningSiteCount 1 | Out-Null
Set-SPUser -Identity "NT Authority\Authenticated Users" -Web $searchUrl `
-Group "Search Center Visitors"

# Set Site Collection Search Center Settings #
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host " Step 7 of 10: Configuring Search Scope Settings..."
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------"
<# These are the possible values for Dropdown
Do Not Show Scopes Dropdown, and default to contextual scope	HideScopeDD_DefaultContextual
Do Not Show Scopes Dropdown, and default to target results page	HideScopeDD
Show scopes Dropdown	ShowDD
Show, and default to ‘s’ URL parameter	ShowDD_DefaultURL
Show and default to contextual scope	ShowDD_DefaultContextual
Show, do not include contextual scopes	ShowDD_NoContextual
Show, do not include contextual scopes, and default to ‘s’ URL parameter	ShowDD_NoContextual_DefaultURL

$SPWeb = Get-SPWeb $Url
$SPWeb.AllProperties["SRCH_ENH_FTR_URL"] = "/search/pages"
$SPWeb.AllProperties["SRCH_SITE_DROPDOWN_MODE"] = "ShowDD"
$SPWeb.AllProperties["SRCH_TRAGET_RESULTS_PAGE"] = "/search/pages/results.aspx"
# Search Site #
$searchWeb = Get-SPWeb $searchUrl
$searchWeb.AllProperties["SRCH_ENH_FTR_URL"] = "/search/pages"
$searchWeb.AllProperties["SRCH_SITE_DROPDOWN_MODE"] = "ShowDD"
$searchWeb.AllProperties["SRCH_TRAGET_RESULTS_PAGE"] = "/search/pages/results.aspx"

# Create Meta Fields #
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host " Step 8 of 10: Creating SEO Meta Fields..."
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------"
#Assign fieldXML variable with XML string for site column
# Author
$AuthorFieldXML = '<Field Type="Text"
Description="Author Meta Tag"
Group="Publishing Meta Tags"
# Copyright
$CopyrightFieldXML = '<Field Type="Text"
Description="Copyright Meta Tag"
Group="Publishing Meta Tags"
# Description
$DescriptionFieldXML = '<Field Type="Text"
Description="Description Meta Tag"
Group="Publishing Meta Tags"
# Expiration
$ExpirationFieldXML = '<Field Type="Text"
Description="Expiration Meta Tag"
Group="Publishing Meta Tags"
# Keywords
$KeywordsFieldXML = '<Field Type="Text"
Description="Keywords Meta Tag"
Group="Publishing Meta Tags"
# Refresh
$RefreshFieldXML = '<Field Type="Text"
Description="Refresh Meta Tag"
Group="Publishing Meta Tags"
# Robots
$RobotsFieldXML = '<Field Type="Text"
Description="Robots Meta Tag"
Group="Publishing Meta Tags"
# Title
$TitleFieldXML = '<Field Type="Text"
Description="Title Meta Tag"
Group="Publishing Meta Tags"

	$SPWeb = Get-SPWeb $Url
	# Grab columns for manipulation
	$Author = $SPWeb.Fields["MetaAuthor"]
	$Copyright = $SPWeb.Fields["MetaCopyright"]
	$Description = $SPWeb.Fields["MetaDescription"]
	$Expiration = $SPWeb.Fields["MetaExpiration"]
	$Keywords = $SPWeb.Fields["MetaKeywords"]
	$Refresh = $SPWeb.Fields["MetaRefresh"]
	$Robots = $SPWeb.Fields["MetaRobots"]
	$Title = $SPWeb.Fields["MetaTitle"]
	# Rename Display Name
	$Author.Title = "Author"
	$Copyright.Title = "Copyright"
	$Description.Title = "Description"
	$Expiration.Title = "Expiration"
	$Keywords.Title = "Keywords"
	$Refresh.Title = "Refresh"
	$Robots.Title = "Robots"
	$Title.Title = "Title"
	# Update All

# Add the columns to the Welcome Page content type #
$Web = Get-SPWeb $Url
$Ctype = $Web.ContentTypes["Welcome Page"]
$fields = $web.Fields | Where-Object {$ -eq "Publishing Meta Tags"}
$fields | ForEach-Object {

# Change Shell Title #
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Creating Subsites from XML..."

# Create subwebs from XML input #
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host " Step 9 of 10: Creating subsites from XML file..."
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------"

Start-SPAssignment -Global

# Loop through each site node to extract data #
$SitesXml.Sites.Site | ForEach-Object {
	Write-Host "---------------------------------------------------------------"
	Write-Host " Step 9 of 10: Creating an SPWeb at $($SiteUrl)"
	Write-Host "---------------------------------------------------------------"
	$SiteTitle = [string]$_.SiteTitle
	$SiteUrl = [string]$_.SiteUrl
	$SiteOwner = [string]$_.Owner
	$SiteUser = [String]$_.User
	$WebTemplate = "CMSPUBLISHING#0"
	$LangId = "1033"
	$SiteUrl = $Url+$SiteUrl
	# Create the SPWeb #
	if ($_.create -ne "false")
	$Web = New-SPWeb -Url $SiteUrl -Language $LangId -Template $WebTemplate `
	-Name $SiteTitle
	# Get publishing site and web objects
	$site = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($SiteUrl)
	$psite = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingSite($site)
	$web = $site.OpenWeb()
	$pWeb = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb]::GetPublishingWeb($web)

	# Create all Pages using ForEach-Object #
	if ($_.Page -ne $null){
	$pages = $_.Page | ForEach-Object {
	# Create page content variables from XML file
	$PageTitle = [string]$_.PageTitle
	$PageUrl = [string]$_.PageUrl
	$PageLayout = [string]$_.PageLayout
	#$PageContent = [xml]$_.PageContent
	$PageImage = [string]$_.PageImage
	$layout = $pWeb.GetAvailablePageLayouts() | Where-Object {$_.Title -match $PageLayout}
    # Create blank page using Add method
	Write-Host "Creating $($PageTitle).aspx page"
    $pages = $pWeb.GetPublishingPages($pWeb)
	$page = $pages.Add($PageUrl, $layout)
    # Update the filename to the one specified in the XML, add HTML content to Page Content zone
    $item = $page.ListItem
	$item["Title"] = $PageTitle;
	$item["Page Content"] = $PageContent;
	# Experimenting with adding a CEWP #
#	$page.CheckOut() 
#	$webpartmanager = $web.GetLimitedWebPartManager($page.Url,
#	[System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope]::Shared) 
#	$webpart = New-Object  Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.ContentEditorWebPart
#	$webpart.ChromeType = [System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PartChromeType]::None;
#	$webpart.Title = "Added By PowerShell" 
#	$webpart.Content = $PageContent
#	$webpartmanager.AddWebPart($webpart, "Header", 0); 
    # Check-in and publish page
	$file = $item.File
	} #end Page Foreach
	} # End if block #
} # End ForEach-Object loop #

# Upload Footer List and create list #
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host " Step 10 of 10: Creating Footer List and applying branding..."
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------"
$site = Get-SPSite $Url
$Web = $site.OpenWeb()
$spFolder = $web.GetFolder("List Template Gallery")
$spFileCollection = $spFolder.Files
$file = Get-Item C:\Solutions\ConsumersEnergy\CEEP-FooterDirectoryList-LT.stp
$spFileCollection.Add("_catalogs/lt/CEEP-FooterDirectoryList-LT.stp", $file.OpenRead(), $true) | Out-Null
$listTemplates = $site.GetCustomListTemplates($web)
$Web.Lists.Add("CEEP-FooterDirectoryList","",$listTemplates["CEEP-FooterDirectoryList-LT"]) | Out-Null
Enable-SPFeature -Identity "8d36bad6-e39a-41be-aff4-1a4be71ddcb6" -Url $Url | Out-Null

$EndTime = Get-Date
$TimeSpan = New-TimeSpan $StartTime $EndTime
$Mins = $TimeSpan.Minutes
$Secs = $TimeSpan.Seconds
$Time = $EndTime.ToShortTimeString()
# Tell us it's done #
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host " Portal Configuration Complete at $($Time)."
Write-Host " Process took $($Mins) minutes and $($Secs) seconds to complete."
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------"

# Set the Window Title back to default #
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $title

# Hit the site to warm it up #
function get-webpage([string]$url,[System.Net.NetworkCredential]$cred=$null)
   $wc = new-object net.webclient
   if($cred -eq $null)
     $cred = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials;
   $wc.credentials = $cred;
   return $wc.DownloadString($url);

Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host " Warming up the new Sites"
Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------" 
$cred = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials;
$sites = Get-SPSite -WebApplication $WebApp -Limit ALL
foreach ($site in $sites) {
$siteurl = $site.url
$spsite = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($siteurl)
$pubsite = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingSite($spsite)
foreach ($web in $site.AllWebs) {
$pubweb = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb]::GetPublishingWeb($web)
$pages = $pubweb.GetPublishingPages($pubweb)
	foreach ($page in $pages) {
	$html = Get-WebPage -Url $page.uri -cred $cred;
	#Write-Host $page.uri

# Dispose all objects #
Stop-SPAssignment -Global

# Set Error and Warning Preferences back #
$ErrorActionPreference = $ErrorPref
$WarningPreference = $WarningPref

# Open the site in IE #
$ie = New-Object -ComObject InternetExplorer.Application
$ie.Visible = $true;

Funnel your Info down a new Path

The topic:  Funnel your Info down a new Path
The story:InfoPath provides business users with a familiar, feature rich means of creating dynamic, powerful electronic forms. While it has been around since the 2003 release of Microsoft Office, InfoPath 2010 combined with SharePoint 2010, is a match made in heaven.

InfoPath is heavily integrated into SharePoint 2010, and users can now create engaging forms within minutes and without writing a single line of code. This presentation will show you how you can start leveraging InfoPath to funnel your business information down a new path. Demos, gotchas, tips & tricks will all be a part of this 10,000 foot view of Microsoft InfoPath as it relates to SharePoint 2010.

SPS Louisville Slides

View more presentations from Ryan Dennis.