PowerShell Saturday Charlotte 2012

Today I had the privilege of speaking (twice) at the second PowerShell Saturday, in Charlotte, NC!

Originally I was accepted to speak about advanced functions and XML, so I tweaked my “Build your SharePoint Internet presence with PowerShell” talk to be more of a deep-dive into XML and PowerShell advanced functions (it’s also called “The Power is in the Shell, Use it Wisely!”). However, another speaker was unable to attend and I ended up doing two SharePoint-focused PowerShell presentations. I’ll detail them below, and since this will be a long post, here are links to the different areas within the page:

  1. The Power is in the Shell, Use it Wisely!
  2. Getting Started with SharePoint + PowerShell

The Power is in the Shell, Use it Wisely!

The topic: The Power is in the Shell, Use it Wisely!
The story: Everybody knows PowerShell is powerful, it’s in the name! But did you know that PowerShell can read and understand XML? By leveraging XML among other things, complete builds can be automated – making them efficient and predictable.

In this fun, interactive and demo-filled session – I will show you how you can leverage PowerShell to help you build your branded, company website from the ground up using PowerShell and XML. I will also pass along some tips and tricks that will help you become a PowerShell Rockstar!

This was the second PowerShell Saturday, and the first in Charlotte – and I was very proud to be a part of a great event.

My session went pretty flawlessly, as I lucked out and had zero issues with the presentation or the demos. For those of you who attended, thank you for being a part of it – and if you have any feedback or questions feel free to contact me either on Twitter or via e-mail (Ryan at SharePointRyan dot com).

I promised to upload my slides and demo PowerShell code, so the slides are on Slideshare and the XML and PowerShell code is saved on SkyDrive.

Intro to SharePoint + PowerShell

The topic:  Intro to SharePoint + PowerShell
The story: You may have heard of PowerShell, but do you know what it’s capable of? Gone are the days of long, painful STSADM batch files – we have Windows PowerShell, and it’s here to stay.Learn how you can use Windows PowerShell both to perform simple one-off tasks as well as complex, bulk operations. Leveraging the Object Model gives Administrators and Developers the ability to do in a few lines of code what would’ve taken a lot more work (and probably a Developer or two) in the WSS platform. You’ll see how you can get started with PowerShell, and you will hopefully leave with not only a greater understanding of what PowerShell is – but what it is capable of and how you can start using it to automate tasks in your SharePoint 2010 environment.

View all of the presentations from Ryan Dennis.

Featured guest blogger on the Hey Scripting Guy! blog

This one will be short and sweet, as I just want to express my satisfaction with being a guest blogger on the Hey Scripting Guy! blog. I have been a fan of PowerShell for a few years now, and have been blogging for a few years as well – but to be able to contribute PowerShell content to (in my opinion) the best PowerShell blog on the web was very cool.

I will be speaking on September 15th in Charlotte, NC at the 2nd PowerShell Saturday – and Ed Wilson (MSFT Scripting Guy) reached out to me to gauge my interest in being a guest blogger on the HSG blog. Of course I jumped all over that opportunity!

Long story short, I was featured today as a guest blogger – and my topic was “Build Your SharePoint Internet Presence with PowerShell”. I wrote about and described the presentation I will be unleashing at PSSAT002, while withholding all of the juicy details within the script itself.

I encourage you to read the post as well as all of the posts on the Hey Scripting Guy! blog, as it really is a fantastic source of PoSh content. I also encourage you to come to PSSAT002 in Charlotte if you are anywhere near Charlotte, North Carolina in mid-September.

Here is the link to the post on the Hey Scripting Guy! blog.