Get a Web, List and Library Inventory using PowerShell

A colleague of mine recently asked me “Ryan, can you give me some PowerShell code that can give me a list of all sites and sub sites as well as all lists and libraries within each of those sites – for an entire web application?”

“Of course”, I said…

I had some other scripts and functions that were similarly constructed, so I simply took one that was close and adapted it to make it work.

This function, which I’ve called “Get-SPSiteInventory” will run against either an entire Web Application (using the -WebApplication switch param) or a single Site Collection (using the -SiteCollection switch param).

I’ve tested this both by sending the output straight to a file (using the Out-File cmdlet) as well as just running in the shell – both work pretty nicely.

I’ve excluded comment-based help for better readability, and the syntax is as follows…

To run against a site collection:

Get-SPSiteInventory -Url http://spsite -SiteCollection

To run against a web application:

Get-SPSiteInventory -Url http://spwebapp -WebApplication

The entire function:

function Get-SPSiteInventory {
Start-SPAssignment -Global
	if ($SiteCollection) {
		$site = Get-SPSite $Url
		$allWebs = $site.allwebs
		foreach ($spweb in $allWebs) {
			" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "
			$spweb.Lists | select Title, BaseType
	elseif ($WebApplication) {
		$wa = Get-SPWebApplication $Url
		$allSites = $wa | Get-SPSite -Limit all
		foreach ($spsite in $allSites) {
			$allWebs = $spsite.allwebs
			foreach ($spweb in $allWebs) {
			" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "
			$spweb.Lists | select Title, BaseType
Stop-SPAssignment -Global

Update: Use PowerShell to make an entire web application read-only

For those who have been following my posts for a while, they’re probably wondering why I’m blogging about something I’ve already done.

The answer is simple: I found a better way!

In the 7 months since I wrote a post on how to make an entire web application read-only, I’ve learned quite a bit about PowerShell, and the ForEach-Object cmdlet. I now have a better version of the advanced function I showed off back in March, and this one has a new switch parameter (-AllContentWebApplications) which obviously allows you to run the Set-SPSiteLockState function against all web applications (excluding Central Admin).

I like this version a LOT better, and it’s much cleaner. If you only need to run the function against a single web app, that functionality still exists – just exclude the switch param.

Here it is!

function Set-SPSiteLockState {
	Use this PowerShell script to set the Lock State of a SharePoint Web Application to Unlock, ReadOnly, NoAdditions or NoAccess.
	This PowerShell script uses Set-SPSiteAdministration to set the Lock State of a SharePoint Web Application.
	C:\PS>Set-SPSiteLockState -WebAppUrl http://intranet -LockState ReadOnly
	This example sets all site collections in a web application at http://intranet to read-only.
	C:\PS>Set-SPSiteLockState -AllContentWebApplications -LockState ReadOnly
	This example sets all web applications to read-only.
	Name: Set-SPSiteLockState
	Author: Ryan Dennis
	Last Edit: 10/14/2011
	Keywords: Set Lock State, Set-SPSiteAdministration, Set-SPSiteLockState
#Requires -Version 2.0
[string]$LockState=(Read-Host "Please enter a Lock State (Examples: Unlock, NoAccess, ReadOnly)"),
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -erroraction SilentlyContinue
Start-SPAssignment -Global
Write-Host "Setting all web applications to $($LockState)..."
$WebApp = Get-SPWebApplication
	$WebApp | ForEach-Object{
	$AllSites = $WebApp | Get-SPSite -Limit All -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
		$AllSites | ForEach-Object{
		Set-SPSiteAdministration -LockState $LockState -Identity $_.url
$WebApp = Get-SPWebApplication $WebAppUrl
$AllSites = $WebApp | Get-SPSite -Limit All -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Host "Setting $WebAppUrl to $lockState..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$AllSites | ForEach-Object { Set-SPSiteAdministration -LockState $lockState -Identity $_.url }

Stop-SPAssignment -Global
Write-Host "Finished!" -ForegroundColor Green